Well, I've been jumping around like a monkey on acid! Like, I've went from Cabal to Rohan to WoW to...well now I'm here. I'm back into VB, done a few things, sadly done with Cabal, ended at level 123 2nd best armor in the game and I'm very happy about it :D.

3 Comment(s):

Anonymous said...

hello we can talk mikeamaya39@yahoo.com
youngdragon was here

Idiosyncrasy said...

hello...i'm trying to download the visual basic 6. And I saw a video on the internet uploaded by you on how to get one. Unfortunately when I click the "extra" in your blog, it doesn't lead me to the "site" or the exact "page" where I am going to be. It just give me the mediafire page and that's it. no more "click here to download"

aadi said...

your extras file does nt exist